Balance diet and public health issues| benefits of diet
Balance diet is normally contain variety of foods in such quantity and proportions that the need for energy, protein,vitamins minerals, fat,carbohydrates & other nutrition is adequately met for maintain health,vitality & general well being.
Components of balance diet:
-fibre & waterWhy Balance Diet is important?
As we discussed above that balance diet provide us almost all the important components which required for proper growth of body & deficiency of any one component lead to disease.
Nutritional Problems in Public Health:
There are many nutritional related problems hich affect wide segment of population but the major one is;
a) Low Birth Weight(LBW);
Its a situation on which a baby born with less than 2.5g weight. about 28 percent of babies born in india as compared to to 4 percent in some developing countaries.
countaries where the LBW is high, the majority are suffering from foetal growth retardation.
b)Protein Energy Malnutrition(PEM);
PEM is major health problem in occur in children in first year of life.Its not only as important cause of childhood morbidity & mortality,but may leads to permanent impairment of physical and possibly of mental growth.
Protein deficiency is the major cause of PEM in pre school age child. PEM is two type:
Occur in 2-5 year of age group childrens & cause is only protein deficiency.
-muscle wasting is hide By edema
-edema seen usually in lower leg, face and forearm.
-mentally irritate
-hair become red in color
Found in child which is less than 2 year of age & cause is protein plus energy deficiency.
-muscle wasting is very obvious
-severe loss of subcutaneous fat
-appetite is usually good
-edema is absent
There is no simple solution. Many types of actions are necessary.some are adopted from the FAO/WHO to prevent PEM in community:
a)Health Promotion
-direct to pregnant and lactacting women for educaton, supplement etc
-promotion to breast feeding
-improve family diet
-home economic etc
b)Specific protection like child diet must contein protein and energy rich food,milk,fruit etc.
c)Try to early detection and treatment to those child which are suffering from PEM
Balance diet and public health issues| benefits of diet
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June 09, 2019