Interesting facts about sleep / Advantages and Disadvantages of sleep / Disorders of sleep..
Guys, you all know about the sleep, it can be described as a rest of body and when we sleep our body get rest and sometimes we dream in sleeping as a child does. All living organisms sleep in the world like lions,tigers,dogs etc. And sleeping is most important part of all living organisms like human, animals, birds etc. A human being can not live if he does not sleep in a day and it is compulsory for most healthy elders need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to function at their best activity and children and teens need even more. So we should know something about sleep, so basically sleeping has advantages and disadvantages, let's understand one by one.
As we know that when we sleep,our body get rest and after sleeping we all get up then we get the energy of doing some work and most of the person do not sleep in night time due to job or several other work but night's sleep is most important for human beings because in the night,we all get tired and it can be due to exercise,works,jobs etc. because of tiredness we get a very peacefull and beautiful sleep.There are several benefits or advantages of sleep, these are given below-
1.Because of sleep our brain function well, and as well as if a person has a pain in his legs so after sleeping he can get over from the pain. And when a student can not be able to focus on his study so one reason can be sleep, those students face such kind of problem, they should sleep at least 7 to 8-9 hours.
2. Those persons,who work in the late shift or can say night shift in the fectories, they may have a risk of getting breast and colon cancer. according to researchers light exposure reduces melatonin levels, so basically melatonin is as a harmone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and it protects us against cancer. so basically when you go for sleeping in your bedroom, you should turn off the lights it will help to your body while producing the melatonin.
3. Have you ever noticed that whenever a person does not sleep so his body goes into a stress and which is not good for him as well as his family because the body features or functions are automatically put on the high alert, due to this high blood pressure can be caused, and because of high blood pressure, a person can suffer from the heart attack, which is danger. so everyone should sleep minimum 7 to 8-9 hours.
4. Somewhere we can say that sleep improves our memory it is also a advantage of sleeping.whatever you did in a day examples; visited of new place, wandered with your friends, spent time with your family etc. so while sleeping your brain is processing your day, while making connection of your memories of a day. So when we sleep deeply, brain gets busy for making the memories of your day.
When we sleep too much regularly it can be dangerous for a person. we can have an example of water that we all know water is most important part of living and no one can live without water basically water is good but when a person drinks too much water so it can be dangerous also. it depends on us, how to use water. So sleep is also most important part for living, but when a person sleeps too much it can be dengerous.
A person, who sleeps too much can have a risk of DIABETES, HEART DISEASE, STROKE.
may be that person suffering from ANEMIA,DEPRESSION,HYPOTHYROIDISM.
There are so many disorders
related to sleep and can be classified
into two categories:
eg; Insomnia
eg; Necrolepsy and so many kind of relative problems like -
-Sleep Apnea
-Sleep paralysis
-Sleep walking
-Restless Leg Syndrome
-Sleep terror etc.
-Memory loss
-Obesity etc.
-Follow regular routine
-Avoid fatigue as it provokes catalepsy
-Follow proper diet,exercise
-Concern your doctor
Interesting facts about sleep / Advantages and Disadvantages of sleep / Disorders of sleep..
Reviewed by
May 30, 2019
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