What is constipation / Definition / Treatment of constipation.


     constipation is a very common problem in our daily life.It usually is not a cause for concern,healthy eating like vegetables,fruits, and   juice etc. and if you do daily exercise so you may not have or can say you will not have this kind of problem.constipation is a  problem of digestive system,where a human has hard feces that are  difficult to expel.In most of the cases this occurs because the colon has absorbed too much water from the food anhat is the colon.                                                     

The food moves through the digestive tract,the more water the colon will absorb from it. moreover the feces becomes dry and hard. when it happens, emptying the bowels can become very painful.                                                                                                   


 1. If you do not do regular exercise and you do not play, or if you are elder so it is common you will not go outside for playing.This can cause constipation. 
2.you eat street food like momos,pizza,burger etc. you can it such kind of food but it should not be regular because it can affect to your digestive system. 3. If you have more stress pr can say in easy word tension so normally due to stress people do not eat food and because of this a human digestive system can be affected and it can also cause constipation.                                                                                                          


                                                                                                       You know there are many people in the world, and each and everyone has different bathroom habits. lets take an example of one person that someone does not have a bowel movement each day it is not necessarily constipated. some might go three times in a day.                                                                                                               

IF you are go less than you normally go or do,and you feel hard and painful to go or do, so you may have constipated problem.and that person can face such a things-          
 A person will  feel bloated                                                                
A person will feel pain when he is making bowel movement. A person will see blood on the toilet paper.         

COMPLICATIONS: may leads to piles,anal fissure & anal fistula which are severe kind of problems.

TREATMENT OF CONSTIPATION:                                                                 

Usually no drug is given in case of constipation.what should have to be done:

  a) Do regular exercise                                                                  b)Follow high fibre diet                                                                c) Drink lot of water

In chronic constipation laxative and purgative is given.                                                                                               

What is constipation / Definition / Treatment of constipation. What is constipation / Definition / Treatment of constipation. Reviewed by Education.in on May 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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